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Lutte contre le Sida...

Take your time
--> Go slowly...

I'll be there.

Even if you need more and more time, I don't want to let someone else take your place.
The way we made till here was long, hard, but worths it.
You are the one who makes me smile, the one who lets me be who I am really.
The one I was waiting for during all those years.
Now you're closer than ever, I won't let you like that.

You know how much I love you, and I know you do too.
But for now, we have to wait a lil bit more, with our difficulties.

You just have to know that, anytime yo need me, I'll be there. You worth it.

Article brouillon, flemme d'effacer pour le moment. Ne reflète pas ce que je veux dire. On recommence. Plus tard

Ecrit par xXx, le Jeudi 19 Novembre 2009, 23:43 dans la rubrique "Ecrits...".