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Lutte contre le Sida...

A real article
--> it has been a long time since I last published a 'novel' here^^
Hello everybody !
Hum, I don't know what to say first...

Vamos a hablar de mi vida de estudiante en Amiens...
Tengo un vecino muy simpatico, y pour la noche, cuando no queremos trabajar mas, hablamos un poco.
No es la misma cosa que el ano pasado, con mi vecina Marine, pero es asi, y no me molesta este cambio.
En la universidad tenemos mucho trabajo, y es mas dificil, pero me gusta los cursos, sobre todo en ingles, porque tengo buenos profesores. En espanol, no es asi. Es todo lo contrario del ano pasado : buenos profesores en ingles, y no buenos profesores en espanol. Por eso, prefiero los cursos de ingles !
El ritmo de trabajo no es el mismo, porque todo cambio. Tenemos muchos TD, y pocos CM. Es mejor en mi opinon.
No voy a contar todas las cosas de la Universidad, porque no es realmente lo mas importante de mi vida.

My life, when I'm not here, in Amiens, is very full of events !
Yesterday, it was my birthday (you remember, don't you ?!)
Because of that, last week end was a really 'big' week end.
The SNCF's strike made me come back by car with a friend (soooo nice), at 4 P.M.
After that, I had to take the car in Creil, because my parents had caught the train befor I've come back. My neighbourgh took me by moto, and we went to Creil. I took the car and we went to Laigneville, in order to wait for Oceane. She arrived with only 10 minutes late. We went to Creil and took Marie-Océane, who was on time, but we weren't^^
We went back home, and we cooked : a cake and a composed salad.
We spoke together, of our life, and everybody arrived, even if the last ones were late, because they had some problems with their map^^
It was a very nice evening =)
At first, this party wasn't planed to take place in my house. But there had been a mistake, and it was by me. It was'nt for my birthday so, but they have thought of that and presented me some gifts =)
I was surprised, it was so sweet =)
We slept between 2 and 3 AM, and I got up at 7.30 AM, because I had too many things to do. I took my friends to the station, and I went to a school, I had to help a friend for a photo sale, it was cool^^
And at 10 AM, I went back home, took my love, and we went to the Parc Asterix. It was very cold, but the weather was good. We were 5, plus Mister Bag, the bag of my friend Gaetan^^
We spent a very good moment there, and we went back home at 7.30 PM
I was very tired, and we didn't go to the restaurant with my boyfriend... And slept early (11 PM)
Then, on Sunday, it was a very beautiful day.
I woke up on 7.30 AM, like on Saturday, I packed on, and I let my boyfriend at the train station. I went to Manue's, and we travelled to the "Baie de Somme", in order to ride on the beach, with a colleague of the Mer de Sable.
The weather was very good, the travel was fun.
And the galopp on the beach, extraordinary !!
I was with my 'little sister of heart', who is very important for me, and she knows that.
I was very happy to spend all my Sunday with her.
And in the return, we spoke a lot, we laught, and we stopped in Amiens, to let my pack there.
Then we made an expedition in the little roads, to see where it is, 'Cormeilles', and we arrived at least at her home. We spoke (always^^), and her parents came back, and we went on speaking.
I came back home, and Sophie has prepared a meal for me (so niiiiice my dear), and the long week end stopped when I came back in Amiens at 11.27 at the train station, and I walked to my house, saw my neighbourg few minutes, and slept...
I was really exhausted !!

Et bon, réveil difficile lundi matin, vraiment fatiguée par ce long week end...
Beaucoup de messages hier, merci à ceux qui ont pensé à mon anniv...

Et puis hier soir, j'ai mangé avec Mathias et Marine, même si cette dernière avait ommis le fait que c'était mes 19 ans, son cher et tendre est parti à Auchan, et a acheté un brownies, du champ', et des bougies =)
C'était crooo bien, merci à eux =)
Et en rentrant, mon voisin a essayé désespérément de me mettre à la guitare... Mais comme je l'ai toujours dit, j'ai de trop ptites mains^^ lol

Puis aujourd'hui, la vie reprend à peu près son cours...Même si malheureusement on a pas eu thème journalistique anglais (il est trop ce prof !)
Ce soir dinner avec Marino =)
Donc demain sera peut-être plus calme...!!

Gros bisous à vous tous

Et désolée si vous ne pouvez pas lire tout l'article hein, mais je suis en langues moi, donc autant m'entrainer ou je peux !! lol

Je vous aime !
Ecrit par xXx, le Lundi 22 Octobre 2007, 19:14 dans la rubrique "Mon Passé".

Commentaires :

à 01:57

Yeah I know I know I know but you should be careful because your english isn't as good as it should be. If you want I can tell you the listakes you've made while you were writing this text...^^

This may be helpful!!

Take care indeed!


à 01:57



à 01:58


THE MISTAKES MISTAKES NOT LISTAKES pfffffffffffffffffffffffffff 

à 22:33


let me know my mistakes please

I wrote it in the cybercafé, I don't really care of this, but tell me every thing ;)

à 17:32


Bouh la la la la it is a very difficile thatsk ce que tu ask from moi la!!! ^^

à 14:30

Re: Kikoo!

Boing! VOUS avez gagné 2000 points sur le blog de brigetjones!Par rapport à tous les comments. Ceci vous permet de venir sur son blog et d'émettre n'importe quoi lors de son anniversaire blog!:))) Vous y serez averti le moment venu. 
